Picture of Pastor Subash Rai

Pastor Subash Rai


Pastor Subash Rai is a senior pastor of the church. He was born in Bhutan and raised in Kalimpong, India, where he completed his education from SUMI college. He had a greater exposure to Catholic denomination but he never decided to give his life to Jesus. He gave his life to Jesus in 1992 when he was in refugee camp.

He received a prophecy from one of the anointed men of God which aligned him to his calling from God for ministry in mid 90s. He started as an assistant pastor and he attended a bible school run by group of missionaries from
Philippines and the United States. In 2005, he planted Prashansa Church in refugee camp which was later relocated to Aiyabaari and it is still growing.

Through his preaching and teaching many people are led to Christ, many people were healed and delivered. He worked hard and invested
his life in building leaders as a result many of them are serving as pastors around the globe. He is the senior pastor of the church and has been relentlessly serving the Lord. His contribution for the body of Christ is invaluable.