Worship Ministry

A true worship is the worship that Paul mentions in Roman 12:1-2- “I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable, or well pleasing and perfect.” We absolutely agree that the mercies of God should be our motivations for worshipping Him.

The mercies of God are His unfailing love that led Him to the cross to die for us, His grace for everyday to live a holy life and the living hope He has given to us through His resurrection for eternal life. This verse also reveals the manner of worship, present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice” meaning giving ourselves to Him wholeheartedly which is to worship Him with our mind, body and soul. But how? It is clearly stated, by renewing our mind. We renew our mind with the word of God. It’s very important for our mind to be saturated with His words to be able to worship Him with our renewed mind and not with the emotion. In John 4:24, Jesus invites us to worship Him in spirit and truth and this would be only possible with the renewed mind.

Worship is not about us, it’s all about Him and we focus on helping each people to turn their eyes from themselves, their problems, their crisis, their weaknesses and to see Jesus above everything with joy. This is the way we value Him and enjoy Him that brings honor and glory to Him.


Our worship team works very hard in preparation with prayer and practice but not to put on a show nor to worship for congregation but rather to lead congregation in worship because we believe that God is the only audience while in worship.

Every time we get on stage, surrendering our talents and knowledge to Him, we let the Holy Spirit to lead us and He has been touching and transforming the lives of people. As such, we have travelled many places including the United States for leading the worship. We thank God for his faithfulness in our worship ministry. 

Worship Events

BNCAC Summit 2022

2ND BNCAC Summit 2022 was held on October 8, 2022 at Gateway Church, London. We are blessed to be a part of this event. Our worship team had a privilege to lead the people in Worship. The attendees were over 100 from the churches under BNCAC.

BNCA Summit 2022

BNCA stands for Bhutanese Nepalese Churches in America. It’s an organization of Nepali speaking churches of Bhutanese Origin in the United States of America. Our Worship team represented BNCAC in 9th BNCA Summit held at Messiah University in Harrisburg PA from June 2-4, 2022. It was a great privilege to lead the worship in such a big event. There were over 1000 people who attended the summit. There were 4 worship teams including us. We thank God for pouring his anointing upon us to touch the lives of people through worship.

Season of Restoration Conference 2019

Season of Restoration Conference was hosted by Alpha Bhutanese-Nepali Church of Canada, Ottawa ON on August 17, 2019. Our team was invited to lead the worship for one session. It was a great conference with Pastor Samuel Sengupta from India. Over 200 people attended the conference.

Gospel and Healing Conference 2019

Heart of Jesus Church, Waterloo hosted this conference on August 10, 2019 at Gateway Church, London ON. It was a great event with Pastor Samuel Sengupta. We are grateful to Heart of Jesus Church for allowing us to lead the worship. The work of signs and wonders were manifested in people’s lives. There were over 300 people including non-believers attended the conference

BNCAC Summit 2019

First ever BNCAC Summit was held at Heritage Alliance Church in Windsor ON on July12-13, 2019. Our Church had a privilege to host this historic event. There were three worship teams and each team got each session to lead the worship. There were over 300 people who attended the summit.

Word and Worship Conference 2019

Word and Worship Conference was held on May 4, 2019 In Guelph ON, hosted by Grace Nepali Church. This conference was focussed on leading the hearts of young people to His Word and Worship. Our team was honored with the privilege to lead the worship for the conference. It was a great event.

Denver Conference 2019

Restoration Community Church, Denver Colorado invited our team for the conference which was held     on April 20, 2019 in Denver Colorado. It was great leading worship among American leaders and believers

Glorious Awakening 2019

Our church organized Glorious Awakening Conference In partnership with Heart of Jesus Church on January 12, 2019. The main speaker of the conference was Pastor Samuel Sengupta. It was a privilege to lead the worship for this conference. It was a prophetic event with the manifestation of healing and deliverance.