Youth Ministry

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”. (Eccl 12:1). As a church, we believe that the young generations are the movers and shakers. They are kingdom builders and history makers. We deeply understand and value the role of youth in the church and encourage them to envision their role that reflects the love of Jesus to others. We are committed on investing quality time to build the connection among other youths to lead them into a deeper relationship with God through mentoring and teaching of Word of God. We gather every week for the fellowship and other activities where each youth get to learn and grow together. 

Get INVOLVED and IGNITED with the passion of Jesus Christ to INSPIRE and IMPACT the new generation.

Our youth fellowship is divided into two phases, first phase focuses on worship and Word and second phase focuses on activities where every individual participates. The activities include, bible quick reading, scriptures readings, bible quiz, memory verse and special time. These bible-based activities are done on a regular and rotational basis with the purpose of involving each youth and preparing them for the future leadership. They also get to share their talents to enhance them for the glory of God. Besides weekly fellowships, we also sometimes gather outdoor fun activities like sports, BBQ and Gospel music concerts to connect with other youths in the community.